Friday, May 18, 2007


I read the funniest thing on a blog today. This person was asking all of these "why" questions. It served great insight into the person and it was really, really funny. So, I am pulling a copy-kat and doing the same thing. Here are a few random why questions that I constantly ask myself, some are political in nature, (duh, if you know me), some are funny, all are an insight into me.

1. Why do I need to be funny?
2. Why can't I make my three year old take a nap?
3. Why do most Christians believe the Republican Party is God's party?
4. Why do people obsess over a fictional character that tortures people on a weekly basis?
5. Why does my potty-trained dog still pee on our rug, daily?
6. Why, when I start reading a book, I have a very difficult time doing anything else until I have finished that book?
7. Why can't I paint?
8. Why do I feel shy most of the time? (Nobody would know that one!)
9. Why was I so blessed to have a mother that would not let me be shy?
10. Why do I love The Office so much?
11. Why are we still in the war?
12. Why do I listen to sports radio everyday and do not watch one sports event on television, or follow any teams?
13. Why did I suck so hard at sports, even though I am tall?
14. Why do I not care that we do not have cable?
15. Why do I love to talk on the phone?
16. Why has the Lord blessed in every area of my life?
17. Why did I waste so much time in college?
18. Why did I only discover I loved to cook in my twenties?
19. Why do I have a hard time raising my hands to the Lord?
20. Why do I hate southern style cooking so much?
21. Why does the world neglect Africa and New Orleans?
22. Why does Mark have such an innate ability to be a good person and do the right thing?
23. Why do I love dark comedies so much?
24. Why did the Lord give me so many cool experiences growing up?
25. Why Can I do nothing but crop, and reduce a picture size in Photo Shop when I have owed the program for 7 years.

This was a fun exercise.


Lawrence Tam said...

dang, you crack me up.
1) you listen to sports radio but don't watch sports
2)a small quote from a wise man from a show I also love:

Dwight Schrute: Women are like wolves. If you want a wolf, you have to trap it. You have to snare it. And then you have to tame it. Keep it happy. Care for it. Feed it. Lovingly, the way an animal deserves to be loved. And my animal deserves a lot of loving.

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.