My friends in my last blog have known me all of my adult, some longer. I have been blessed to find a new set of sisters at the church Mark and I have been attending since January. There are some amazing woman that have crossed my path in the past few months. (Some of them I feel like I have known my entire life) I look forward to growing these relationships into life long friendships that are based in something greater then just similar personality traits.
Cody, very dry, very funny! Could not live without her. Loves a neat house. (Her own, not mine thank goodness.)
Mandy and Amber. Best friends, very sweet. Would like to get to know them better.

Sarah Beth (SB), and Eden. We could have been raised in the same home. Artist, definitely a soul-sister.

Last but not least, Zuzzanna. Cezch. Crazy, has spiced up my life in a great way.
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