And then there is Hannah. Hannah is my blood sister. I do not I know anyone that is cooler then she. If you are interested in how ultra-cool she is, check out her blog. (I have the link under Cool People I know).

She is what could be said as, polar opposite of me. She started building houses out of manila envelopes when she was only 4. She is currently an architect. She started that journey while still in high school. I have aspired to be about everything that involved creativity, never comminting enough time to any one passion to make it my own.
In 7Th grade, the entire year, she made straight 100s. I am NOT exaggerating. She has spent as much time studing as she has sleeping. I am no schlep at school, but studied just enough to get the A. In Utopia, where we went to High School, that did not require much studying. We were not the best of friends at that point.
She lived in Paris for a year and just got back from a 5 month stint in London. She has traveled all over Europe and I think, given the opportunity, she would settle in Paris for the rest of her life.
Most important of all her great qualities, she LOVES the Lord. She is an amazing sister in the Lord. She sends us great scripture at least everyother day. She works 60-80 hours a week, yet still always finds time to encourage us in the Lord.
Today, things are so great. We have such a great time together. We have found a place where we share many things in common, politics, art, I wish I could say travel, lets just say, she does travel and I would love to travel. It is funny because growing up, I think we all thought I would be the one living in New York and she would be the one at home with the kids. (She was pretty shy growing up...yea, not anymore!) She is so articulate, and smart. We have the same facial expressions, the same voice inflections and the same laugh. I love being her sister. I am going to go visit her in New York. I am so thrilled.

We have always looked alike, Hannah is ultra tiny, so that kind of gave away who was older. We wore our hair the same for years, in those days people always asked if we were twins.
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