Unlike when Lola was a baby, I never wanted to rush Moses along. I loved the baby stage after being rudley introduced to todderdom.
And yet here he is in full toddlerhood. He throws
fits, screams, whines with the best of them. It is ironic that I wanted to keep him a baby because he started talking at 10-11 months, he does things, thanks to his sister, she never did at 2. He is starting to potty train quite well. Judging from the ease in which this is taking place I suspect we could have done this much sooner had I any inclination to do so. Great, so no diapers...weird, no diapers. Somthing that has been in the budget for 4 1/2 years now. The other day I went to Babies-R-Us and felt a deep sense of longing. There was nothing there for me. I have my stroller, my pack and play, my crib...slowly each one of these items are being put up in the attic for the next "round" of babies. Yes, yes, in many ways this is an amazing blessing. They are so so so fun, a totally different fun. Baby fun is mommy centered, two and four year old fun, is two and four year old centered.

Here he is on Christmas Eve while we were waiting for Daddy and Lola to get ready to go to Nana Sheri's. Doesnt he look like a little man? Part of his charm to be sure.
What a handsom little guy!!! He really is so cute! Watch out girlies!
What a cutie!
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