10 Things I Complain About
1. I hate dial up because it is so slow
2. I do not like having to check my washer because it has to be pushed down to keep it going.
3. My water tastes like chlorine.
4. I HATE walking 20 extra steps in the garage to take the recycling!
5. My car only holds 4 people.
6. I wish I lived in a city with more public transportation, ahhh the burbs suck.
7. My kitchen is too small.
8. I do not have enough clothes. They are to small, to big, to wrong for the season…(this one could go on for TOO long)
9. I do not have cable.
10. My kids end up in my bed EVERY NIGHT!
10 Things I Thank Jesus For.
1. I have a computer to check my email.
2. I have a washer and dryer that wash my clothes.
3. I have water that is not poo poo water.
4. I CAN recycle and feel great passion that everyone should! Halleluiah!
5. I have a new under warrenty!
6. I live in a city that has great schools, great parks, and great people.
7. I do not cook out of one wood heated pot.
8. I have a “wardrobe” of clothes of my choosing.
9. I have 2 TVs
10. My kids have the choice of sleeping their own bed, each other’s bed, or my bed. They do not sleep on a cot, floor or out-doors.
I was rather annoyed by a few of the things on my list tonight. Then I started thinking about what a whiney baby I was being. I was convicted. Hello, really convicted. There is not much more to say.
Tell me your 10 Things.
Monday, April 28, 2008
10 Silly Things I Complain About
Monday, January 14, 2008
Kozodoy Christmas

ery year we go to Mark's mothers house for Christmas Eve. Things have changed allot in the 10 years I have been going. A major change has been the addition of three of their four grandchildren. For years Julian has been the solo kid. Even when the girls were born there was still very little for Julian to do with them. This year though, this year was different. The girls, and Moses, could not get enough of their favorite older cousin. They chased him, attacked him, loved on him, in short he was their hero. I found him hiding from them a couple of times, just to get some rest. He was all the things an older cousin is supposed be, times 10! He was brilliant.

This year was also special because we were all there. Everyone in the family was able to make it, with the exception of our dearests Will and Jim. There were 12 adults and 4 children. A party to be sure.

At times in the past the night could get late quick. This has become hard with the small kids. This year Robbie catered the meal and instead of letting Jay do all the dishes, we all pitched in and finished in record time. We were able to get right to presents, much to the glee of all the kids. This year all the "big kids" gave each other donations to the charity of their choice. It was a great alternative to was has turned into exchanging gift cards.

It was a fun Christmas Eve.
Moses, my baby, where did you go?

Unlike when Lola was a baby, I never wanted to rush Moses along. I loved the baby stage after being rudley introduced to todderdom.
And yet here he is in full toddlerhood. He throws
fits, screams, whines with the best of them. It is ironic that I wanted to keep him a baby because he started talking at 10-11 months, he does things, thanks to his sister, she never did at 2. He is starting to potty train quite well. Judging from the ease in which this is taking place I suspect we could have done this much sooner had I any inclination to do so. Great, so no diapers...weird, no diapers. Somthing that has been in the budget for 4 1/2 years now. The other day I went to Babies-R-Us and felt a deep sense of longing. There was nothing there for me. I have my stroller, my pack and play, my crib...slowly each one of these items are being put up in the attic for the next "round" of babies. Yes, yes, in many ways this is an amazing blessing. They are so so so fun, a totally different fun. Baby fun is mommy centered, two and four year old fun, is two and four year old centered.

Here he is on Christmas Eve while we were waiting for Daddy and Lola to get ready to go to Nana Sheri's. Doesnt he look like a little man? Part of his charm to be sure.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Dare to Repair - A Do-It-Herself Guide to Fixing (Almost) Anything in the Home

Yesterday I thought it might be fun to invite a few friends over for a painting playdate. Lola got a new painting kit for Christmas and I have only allowed her to use it once. If you are at all familiar with toddlers and paint, you would understand why I avoid it like the, well in this case, RSV or Rotavirus.
I prepared a spaghetti and crudités with various dips. I thought this would be easy, and a great dish to serve adults and kids.
The play-date was going swimmingly, kids were playing great; moms were enjoying the company and the weather warmed up just in time for our friend’s arrival. We sat the kids down for lunch, all seven kids fit at the table and the worst part of it was trying to supply them with enough baby carrots to eat. Amazing! Next was lunch for grownups. We had a lovely meal, as the children busied themselves outside. There were virtually no fits, I mean that only three out of seven threw a fit, so that is good statistics when it comes to large groups.
After we had finished eating I got up to start clearing the area so we could pull out the paints. Glancing at the clock, I noticed time was getting away from us fast. Most of the kids, well all but Lola, take naps, and we were quickly crouching into naptime. Aka: Fits-Fights-Full on losing it. I threw some noodles and carrots down the disposal and kept right on washing. We were in the throws of one of Cody’s more interesting family stories. If you know Cody at all, you know that ALL her family stories are interesting; so one engaging you more then the rest is a really killer. By the way, I had already heard this one at least twice.
I stepped to the right to grab some dishes and I heard a “squish”. When I looked down the floor was covered in water.
“What the…?” I opened my cabinets under the sink and a huge spray of water was pouring out of our pipes. I think I screamed, I know I shouted one or two “unclean” words…ok, maybe three, and just sat on my heels like a dummy. They all jumped up to have a look. After some exclamation Sarah handed me something to catch the water with.
“Well, does anyone know how to fix a sink?” I said in a sarcastic manner. Sarah, my friend that is 26 weeks pregnant, looks at it, jumps down and says, “I do, this just happened to me last WEEK!”
It was one of the funniest craziest things I have ever seen. There she is squatting down with a huge pregnant belly undoing the piping under my sink. As if my shock at seeing one of my friends do a job that I had chiefly set in my mind was only for males was not enough, Cody jumps in and grabs the pipes and starts helping her. They both knew to take it outside to the hose and clean it out. I do not think Jessica and I had even processed what happened in the time it took the two of them to fix the problem.
In the process of pulling apart the pipes Sarah did remark, “This is the proudest day of my life.” Now some people, men mostly, might think that is a crazy statement, after all Sarah has two children, a Masters, and lives in a beautiful home, but to be able to jump in and fix a leaking sink with SEVEN children in the house, that is a proud day sister.
Cody finished off the job by putting it all back together without one TOOL!
Sigh. Thank God for them. What I was thinking when the water was washing over my feet and splashing my face was, “How can I get Mark here fast enough? Oh Man is he gunna be MAD AT ME!” It never even occurred to me to do anything else. I like to think of myself as this proud, strong, do-it-yourself woman, yeah not so much. As I sit and reflect I do not like, nor do I do, yard work, trash duty, or anything that requires me to step foot near a toolbox or the outdoors. WHAT A SISSY!
I am now going to be woman; I am now going to fix leaky sinks, busted toilets, and paint fascia boards, (Is that how you spell it?) OK, we will see. Now that I am naming all the things I do not like to do, I still have no desire to do most of those things on a regular basis. What I would like is to be able to be 6 months pregnant and stop a sink from flooding a kitchen while my children bite at my feet and my friends ooh and ahh over my many “skills”. Is that too much to ask without having to take out the trash?
I prepared a spaghetti and crudités with various dips. I thought this would be easy, and a great dish to serve adults and kids.
The play-date was going swimmingly, kids were playing great; moms were enjoying the company and the weather warmed up just in time for our friend’s arrival. We sat the kids down for lunch, all seven kids fit at the table and the worst part of it was trying to supply them with enough baby carrots to eat. Amazing! Next was lunch for grownups. We had a lovely meal, as the children busied themselves outside. There were virtually no fits, I mean that only three out of seven threw a fit, so that is good statistics when it comes to large groups.
After we had finished eating I got up to start clearing the area so we could pull out the paints. Glancing at the clock, I noticed time was getting away from us fast. Most of the kids, well all but Lola, take naps, and we were quickly crouching into naptime. Aka: Fits-Fights-Full on losing it. I threw some noodles and carrots down the disposal and kept right on washing. We were in the throws of one of Cody’s more interesting family stories. If you know Cody at all, you know that ALL her family stories are interesting; so one engaging you more then the rest is a really killer. By the way, I had already heard this one at least twice.
I stepped to the right to grab some dishes and I heard a “squish”. When I looked down the floor was covered in water.
“What the…?” I opened my cabinets under the sink and a huge spray of water was pouring out of our pipes. I think I screamed, I know I shouted one or two “unclean” words…ok, maybe three, and just sat on my heels like a dummy. They all jumped up to have a look. After some exclamation Sarah handed me something to catch the water with.
“Well, does anyone know how to fix a sink?” I said in a sarcastic manner. Sarah, my friend that is 26 weeks pregnant, looks at it, jumps down and says, “I do, this just happened to me last WEEK!”
It was one of the funniest craziest things I have ever seen. There she is squatting down with a huge pregnant belly undoing the piping under my sink. As if my shock at seeing one of my friends do a job that I had chiefly set in my mind was only for males was not enough, Cody jumps in and grabs the pipes and starts helping her. They both knew to take it outside to the hose and clean it out. I do not think Jessica and I had even processed what happened in the time it took the two of them to fix the problem.
In the process of pulling apart the pipes Sarah did remark, “This is the proudest day of my life.” Now some people, men mostly, might think that is a crazy statement, after all Sarah has two children, a Masters, and lives in a beautiful home, but to be able to jump in and fix a leaking sink with SEVEN children in the house, that is a proud day sister.
Cody finished off the job by putting it all back together without one TOOL!
Sigh. Thank God for them. What I was thinking when the water was washing over my feet and splashing my face was, “How can I get Mark here fast enough? Oh Man is he gunna be MAD AT ME!” It never even occurred to me to do anything else. I like to think of myself as this proud, strong, do-it-yourself woman, yeah not so much. As I sit and reflect I do not like, nor do I do, yard work, trash duty, or anything that requires me to step foot near a toolbox or the outdoors. WHAT A SISSY!
I am now going to be woman; I am now going to fix leaky sinks, busted toilets, and paint fascia boards, (Is that how you spell it?) OK, we will see. Now that I am naming all the things I do not like to do, I still have no desire to do most of those things on a regular basis. What I would like is to be able to be 6 months pregnant and stop a sink from flooding a kitchen while my children bite at my feet and my friends ooh and ahh over my many “skills”. Is that too much to ask without having to take out the trash?
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