Fearing complete explosion, I calmly told Mark I needed to go for a drive while he bathed the kids. Poor guy, he took it all wrong, and then I took him taking it all wrong, all wrong. Usual PMS miscommunication was alive in the house just as the bacteria that caused the flu in the kids.
Neither Mark nor I like to fight. We do not thrive on drama or hurt, so we both shut our mouth for a bit to reflect on the exchange. He came in Lola’s room a short time after and apologized for ??? He attempted to understand why I was so mad, but also fully appreciates the un-rational of my behavior. I told him how I felt, why I felt that way, and there were parts that were irrational, but if you read my blog you can understand why I was so stressed out by 6:00.

Usually by this time of the day I am not stressed, but instead focused on getting the kids bathed and to bed. My poor babies are fare more tired then I, so I need to stay focused. As I have said before today was not the usual day.
After I said what I had to say, he kissed me and boy did I feel better. He understands me. He listens to my words even when they are veiled in complicated woman issues. He digs past those issues and tries to see what is upsetting me and how he can best soothe my pain. We are every movie with a happy ending, every love story about "the one", we are perfectly matched. I need him and he needs me. How great God is to gift each of us with the perfect person. Now, I know once you are married, that is technically supposed to be the "perfect person" for you. We have a freindship that surrpasses marriage, we are truley bestest friends. I like him... a lot!

Anybody that knows us, knows that to be true.